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Information about Criminal Cases

Criminal Jurisdiction

Filing Criminal Complaints

Responding to Criminal Complaints

If You Do Not Want to Appear in Court

Suspension of Sentence & Deferral of Final Disposition

Juveniles Charged with Criminal Offenses


Failure to Appear on Your Court Date

New Trial and Appeal

Methods of Payment

Plea Form for Criminal Cases

More Forms for Criminal Cases


Note that if you are convicted of a criminal offense, the sentence will include payment of a fine and court costs. If you are unable to pay that amount, bring this to the court's attention immediately. The judge can provide you with alternatives to full payment if you are determined to have insufficient resources or income to pay all or part of the fine or costs. For more information, consult an attorney or contact the court.

General Information

This information is furnished to you to provide basic information relative to the law governing procedures for criminal cases in the Harris County Justice Courts.

The Harris County Justices of the Peace and the Clerks of the Harris County Justice Courts are not allowed to give legal advice. You are urged to review the applicable laws and to consult an attorney of your choice for further information or answers to specific legal questions.

You have the right to a trial by a jury and to be represented by an attorney of your choice, or to represent yourself.

Disclaimer: The law is constantly changing and there may be times when the information on this web site will not be current. This information is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. This information is not a comprehensive treatment of the subject and is not a substitute for advice from an attorney.